Fraternal Greetings
20/01/2015 17:3320th January 2015
Ayr Burns Club
President: A Bryce Weir
Fraternal Greetings to Kindred Clubs
As we approach the Anniversary of the birth of our National Bard, Robert Burns, may
I on behalf of all our Members extend fraternal greetings to all members of all
kindred clubs.
We trust that your celebrations are most memorable and wish you all every future
In "The Answer, to the Guidwife of Wauchope-House", Burns clearly stated his ambitions:
Ev'n then a wish (I mind its power)
A wish, that to my latest hour
Shall strongly heave my breast;
That I for poor auld Scotland's sake
Some useful plan, or book could make,
Or sing a sang at least.
Yours aye
Bryce Weir