20/10/2016 21:16
Ayr Burns Club held an excellent and entertaining meeting at the Abbotsford on 19th October. Guest Speaker was Christopher Wallace, Education Officer at the RBBM and a SNT employee who presented the club with a highly enjoyable and knowledgeable talk on Burns & Glasgow which detailed Burns link with the City. Vice President Robbie McMahon gave the vote of thanks.
Following refreshments and the club raffle, Club President, Kathleen Davey, provided those present with an update on what’s happening for the club and looked to future events.
Kathleen and Robbie met with South Ayrshire Provost Helen Moonie early in October to discuss our club’s historic links with the Local Authority and to determine the best way forward to mutual benefit. I am happy to report that the meeting was very congenial with various topics of conversation undertaken, resolutions arrived at and I am delighted to let you know that Provost Moonie will lead our wreath laying service on January 25th 2017.
Staying with the January wreath laying, invitations have been extended to all Ayr Councillors and our local MP, Corrie Wilson and MSP John Scott. Ayr Pipe Band Pipe Major Gary Thomson will play for us on the day. Gary piped for us at the July wreath laying service and we are fortunate indeed that he is able to come along in January.
Of course the wreath laying service would not be the same without you and hope to see many of you on the day. The Club will host refreshments afterwards so can I take this opportunity to ask if you will let me know if you can attend no later than the next club meeting on 16th November. Venue arrangements will be circulated nearer the time.
Other business discussed:-
· changes to the club constitution were agreed
· subscriptions to Ayr Arts Guild will continue for three months and then reviewed.
· John Campbell has been elected President of the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs
· an invitation will be sent to other Burns Clubs inviting them to our meetings.
· because ABC at present does not have the numbers necessary to make a Burns Supper night in January financially viable but wishing to give our members a chance to attend what is probably the highlight of the Burns year, we contacted Alloway and Prestwick clubs and they were happy to accommodate any of our members who wished to attend. If you are interested in either (or both) of these events, you can find out more by contacting Alloway Secretary Myra, 01292 283950 and Prestwick Secretary Jim, 01292 470352.
· There is a lovely surprise for our February meeting when, in place of our advertised talk, the club will be entertained by the fantastic Scottish Youth Fiddle Orchestra. A suggestion that the raffle money that night be donated to the Orchestra to help with their travels was agreed by those present.
Membership. Thanks to those who have paid the membership fee this year and collected their annual membership card and syllabus. If this is still on your ‘to do’ list, may I ask that you send this year’s fee, £15.00, to reach us no later than the November 16th meeting. This will allow the Administration to plan for the future of the club. If you find it more convenient to BACS the money to the Club, please contact Anne on 07935 169 749, for club bank details. Otherwise please send your cheques made out to Ayr Burns Club, to ABC Secretary, 21 Glenriddel Road, Ayr. KA7 3HA. Or better still simply pay by cash at the November meeting. A copy of the syllabus will be sent by post to those who have not already received theirs.
I hope you have enjoyed this first newsletter and that it’s the first of many. If you have any thoughts on how this could be made better – or if you have any news items you would like included, please contact Anne on 07935 169749 or email her at ayrburnsclub@aol.com